
Tips to apply perfume to make the fragrance last

Applying perfume is probably the final (and fastest) step in your beauty routine—a spritz, a dab, and you’re ready to rock. You may not even think about how to apply perfume to make it last; well, it seems so simple, but it isn’t that easy. There’s more than meets the eye when wearing fragrances; where you spray perfume on your body, how much you spritz on, and even where you store it (like a steamy bathroom vanity) can affect how long the scent will last on your skin and in the bottle.

Want to make sure you’re applying and carrying your favorite fragrance like a pro?

Here are the tips for wearing perfume to make your signature scent last.

Apply perfume post-shower.

Many of us wear perfume as the last step before heading out the door, but perfume can absorb better into the skin when it’s warm, and the pores are open. Applying it post-shower is an excellent idea to make it last when the skin is dried off but still warm.

Spray perfume onto your pulse points.

Wondering exactly where to spray perfume? These are areas where your veins sit closest to your skin, so you can (literally) feel your pulse, like the inside of your wrists, inner elbows, behind your ear lobes, below your belly button, and the back of your knees. These warm spots emit extra body heat, which helps to diffuse a scent naturally and make your perfume last longer.

Don’t rub it on your skin.

You’ve probably seen people dabbing perfume on their wrists and then rubbing them together. It’s one of the first fragrance habits we have ever learned; to be honest, it is one of the hardest to break. But rubbing perfume into your skin causes the fragrance’s top notes to fade and disappear before they can settle. Let the perfume mix slowly with your skin’s natural oils because it makes your scent last.

Where you store, matters the most.

Storing your perfume in your bathroom where steam from daily showers can interact with them is such a bad idea, as humidity and drastically changing temps can change a perfume’s composition and essence. Additionally, any form of light (especially sunlight) can break down a perfume’s essence. The perfect place for your perfume is a cool, dark, dry place.

Feel free to spray fragrance on clothes.

Applying a little perfume to your clothing is a great way to keep your scent going all day long with you, but make sure it’s not something that can stain (like silk). Moreover, fragrance interacts with fabrics differently than the skin, so it’ll probably smell lighter. Try spritzing some perfume in the air and waving your clothes around so, A light wafting of your favorite perfume will travel with you wherever you go.

Moisturize before applying it.

Perfume often fades quickly on super-dry skin. Instead, try spritzing it over a light coat of unscented body lotion or a touch of any moisturizer. These moisturizers keep your skin soft and supple and give the perfume oils something to grasp onto so that your scent lasts longer.

We spend a lot on perfumes, so it’s a real bummer if the scent evaporates by breakfast, But these tips will help you to make it last.

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